Sunday, September 5, 2010

Weekend Auction Finds

Hi. Happy long weekend (in the US). I've been browsing around some auctions, which ramp up in September, and have found a few pretty things from this week's events...Some delicate pocket watches, a couple of horses (I always fall for the weathervanes), a mint julep cup (always love these, too), and some very fun, feminine, intricate headboards. I hope your having a beautiful few days off.

Pieces are from from Garth (weathervane), Charlton (watches and cup), and Treadway (art by Walter Quirt and headboards).


Solid Frog said...

Lovely pieces. Hope you had a great long weekend.


The design of the headboards are beautiful.

Delishhh said...

I wish i could find things like this, i don't know if it just Seattle or me, but i only seems to find junk.

Rita said...

fabulous picture of a horse!

;) said...

Beatiful and precious pieces ! Bravo

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