Thursday, March 18, 2010

Home Again

Hello?! I hope you are still there. We are just back from our trip... a beautiful, BIG, six-state, 2500-mile, two-week journey. Oh, we had such a good time! Thanks for your many kind comments on the last post - those were Colorado photos, plus one from Albuquerque (the old motel sign). Here are more from New Mexico, our first stop along the road...update: the two following shots are of hot air balloons at the balloon museum...We spent four very happy days with Grandma and Grandpa, then it was off to Arizona. I'll post photos from there next time!


Anonymous said...

Hello from Germany,

your pictures really make me longing for a road trip in the US!

Please keep posting your beautiful shots!


Arctic Mum said...

Now I wanna travel more, it looks like a fantastic trip!

ticklishfromadistance said...

These are so good! Can't wait to see more!

Maia said...

Beautiful shots!! I am STILL so jealous as I sit here for what feels like two straight months in the studio. Can't wait to live vicariously off of your Arizona pictures ;)

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